Listen in as queer theorist and researcher, Mary Zaborskis leads a free-form discussion that uses queer theory and childhood studies to investigate children’s agency in reality television.
Fresh Eyes, objecthood, and sight negation.
Led by Suzanne Seesman, this passionate conversation covers everything from local art programs, to anarchy, to adjunct professor rights.
Neither rain nor impending taxes kept away a devoted company of investigators.
Annette Monnier leads a City Wide infused discussion addressing the history of the artist-run/alternative/independent spaces movement within Philadelphia and elsewhere.
Part of the Night Course seminar series, this was a group conversation led by Philip Glahn regarding the possibilities and limits of creative production provided by digital technologies.
Monica Amor, Rebekah Callaghan and Rubens Ghenov conduct an in depth discussion about our most recent exhibition, QUALIA. Orfifices, three-point bi-stability, subjectivity, ghosts, architecture, intermediate cats, the nature of all things, everything plus the kitchen sink is addressed!
Suzanne Seesman and Matt Morris talk desire, queer spaces, cruising, and courtesans through FJORD’s exhibition “To Fade and Spill Out And (And Look At Another’s Whole)”
To celebrate and share our favorite thinkers and makers. To eat sweets and get glitter under our fingernails.
Go to the kitchen and stare at the dough for 10 minutes.