• "At a political moment when corporate entities adeptly take on the characteristics, rights, and activities of individuals, it is a strength of artists to be able to repay in kind and realize that our agency permits us to take on some of the behaviors of the systems within which we are located."

    If young artists can be restricted to a space of opportunity over which a system of control decides who or what is “given access,” then they are disempowered from a position of agency, and worse, the possibility of that agency is obfuscated so that they are unaware of their own lack. Insulated thus, whatever apparatus for art production, education, and cultural dissemination within which young artists are situated can rhetorically inflate itself into a totality, that is, the concerns, philosophical paradigms, and discourses within that space can be presented without alternative. Cultural institutions stand to benefit from an exaggeration of their own influence to further accrue financial and cultural capital at the expense of artists. We are actually discussing environments, successes, art worlds, and systems. At a political moment when corporate entities adeptly take on the characteristics, rights, and activities of individuals, it is a strength of artists

  • to be able to repay in kind and realize that our agency permits us to take on some of the behaviors of the systems within which we are located. Interesting artists and art production have perennially adjusted in order to operate in conversation with their contexts, and the means by which they have done so are by no means cohesive.