Timothy Belknap “So Goes the Spoils” at Force Field
The Form Review is a simple attempt to increase dialogue within art journalism and highlight the subjectivity of a traditional exhibition review. Artists/curators/responsible parties of an exhibition are invited to respond to five short prompts. In turn, a representative of the St.Claire views the exhibition and independently responds to the same five prompts. Both sets of “form answers” are published in tandem on the St.Claire website. To participate drop us a line at hark@the-st-claire.com
(IMAGE: Installation view “So Goes the Spoil”. Image courtesy of Anna Neighbor)
Responses by Ryan McCartney, Guest Contributor
1. What is hidden in this exhibition? What is in plain sight?
Hot glue. Unidentifiable surplus motors.
2. Who would be this exhibition’s parents? What might it’s children look like?
Oskar Schlemmer and Mary Shelly. Something like a Roomba with a face.
3. Describe one moment in this exhibition.
A small paper man with panda ears faces a large steel ball 15 feet away. Both hang from the ceiling, connected to each other by a number of strings. When pushed, the steel ball acts as a pendulum. This motion is translated as a dance by the pendulum’s partner, reflecting exact approximates.
4. This exhibition answers/asks the following question:
Where are you?
5. You should message this exhibition if…
you want to choreograph some objects.
Responses by Kristen Mills, Guest Contributor
1. What is hidden in this exhibition? What is in plain sight?
This exhibition is what is hidden.*
Except for one other, I was the only one to see this installation. However, I would have said that the notion of authority is hidden, or veiled. But we all realize that someone else is in charge.
What is hidden is also in plain sight.
*This exhibition was as a part of the Force Field Project – that was shut down just hours before its actual opening.
2. Who would be this exhibition’s parents? What might it’s children look like?
Parents: John Malkovich & Woody Allen
Children: John Cusack, and John Dewey as a much older brother or uncle – in thinking about roles that people take on to experience something else to understand another position.
3. Describe one moment in this exhibition.
The moment it didn’t open. But it still existed.
What I walked away with was a sense of slow stirring empathy.
4. This exhibition answers/asks the following question:
This exhibition asks more than it answers: it begs how time unfolds, while tipping its hat to a theatrical dark humor.
It’s like mackerel… bold flavor, with endless recipe possibilities.
5. You should message this exhibition if…
you are interested in small feet and large hands.
Timothy Belknap “So Goes the Spoils”
www. timothybelknap.com/
June 20 – June 20, 2014
Force Field Project
1400 N American St
Philadelphia, PA 19122